Finally it analyzes the effect of the pickling process. 最后对化学酸洗工艺作了使用效果分析。
Content of nitrites and acidity of Chinese cabbage in pickling process after different tackling, such as blanching it in boiling water, adding sugar and adding salt to it, were studied. 实验分析了加盐、加糖、烫等不同处理对白菜腌制过程中亚硝酸盐含量及酸度变化的影响。
The results of laboratory and industrial experiments indicate that have been achieved in the use of the accelerant for the pickling process in the Silicon Steel Sheet Mill. 实验室和工业试验表明,硅钢酸洗工艺使用这种促进剂可收到显著的效果。
Study on Na_2SO_4electrolytic pickling process of 304 stainless steel 304不锈钢Na2SO4电解酸洗工艺的研究
Experience of citric acid pickling process for new supercritical boiler 柠檬酸清洗工艺在新建超临界锅炉上的应用
Study on the Formation and Changes of Volatile Compounds in Pickled Mustard Tuber during the Pickling Process 榨菜加工过程中挥发性风味物质的形成及变化研究
Stainless steel smelting, hot and cold rolling steel belt, stainless steel with homebred welding, black belt annealing and pickling process bright annealed, etc. 不锈钢的熔炼、热轧、冷轧国产不锈钢带、不锈钢带焊接、黑带退火、光亮退火、酸洗加工等。
Content Changes of Main Components of Greengage in Pickling Process 青梅腌渍过程中主要成分的变化规律
Effects of different factors on nitrite content in the pickling process 酸菜腌制过程中亚硝酸盐含量的影响因素探讨
Pickling Process with Low Hydrochloric Acid at Room Temperature on Steel Part 钢铁常温低浓度盐酸酸洗新工艺
Test results showed that the optimized pickling process could clean oxide skin of weld surface in effect and improve pitting-resistance property greatly. 研究结果表明,采用本文中的酸洗工艺可以有效清除不锈钢焊缝表面的氧化皮,并改善其耐点蚀性能。
Innovation on acid pickling process for stainless steel tube 不锈钢管酸洗工艺的改革
Orthogonal Test Research of Continuous Pickling Process Parameters on Stainless Steel Cold Rolling Coil 不锈钢冷轧卷连续酸洗工艺参数的正交试验研究
The micro-ecological significance of the traditional greenstuff pickling process 蔬菜传统腌制发酵工艺过程中微生物生态学的意义
The Pickling Process and Quality Controlling of Stainless Steel Strips 不锈带钢酸洗工艺及其质量控制
Dynamic Analysis on Quality of Salted Eggs in Pickling Process 腌制过程中咸蛋品质变化的动态分析
The composition, main function and operation mode of the automatic control system for the pickling process section are discussed, and some improved control methods are introduced. 本文主要论述了酸洗工艺段自动控制系统的组成、主要功能及操作方式,并介绍了一些改进的控制措施。
The best control strategy is using temperature to control the pickling process. 最佳的控制策略是仅用温度控制酸洗过程。
Corrosion-Resistant Resin for Acid Pickling Process of Stainless Steel 不锈钢酸洗工程用耐腐蚀树脂
Study on Pickling Process and Pitting Corrosion of 316L Stainless Steels 316L不锈钢酸洗工艺及耐点蚀性能研究
Potential tracking method was used to study the acid pickling process of steel in this paper. The results showed it was an ideal way to study the dynamic course and oxidation removing mechanism of acid pickling. And supersonic could sharply improve the rust removing efficiency. 采用电位跟踪法研究钢铁的超声酸洗过程,结果表明,电位跟踪法是研究超声酸洗过程动态变化以及氧化皮除去机理有效方法,超声波的引入可显著地提高除锈效率。
The cleaning methods of mash scale cover chemical cleaning ( soda boiling and pickling process), CIP cleaning, and high pressure water washing. 醪垢的清洗方法有化学清洗法(碱煮法、酸洗法)、CIP清洗法、高压水射流清洗法。
The pickling process with hydrochloric acid as steel pickling medium can generate a large quantity of waste liquor which not only seriously pollutes the environment but also wastes resource if directly discharged. 用盐酸作为钢材酸洗介质,会产生相当多的盐酸酸洗废液,废液如果直接排放会严重污染环境,而且浪费资源。
Not only pickling process would produce insoluble material under hydrofluoric acid but also hydrofluoric acid was easy to volatile and exploded. So hydrochloric acid was selected as the final pickling solution. 由于氢氟酸在酸洗过程中会产生难溶性的物质,且易挥发和产生爆炸,因此本试验最终选择盐酸作为酸洗溶液。
The results showed that: when430ferritic stainless steel was sensitized in hot rolling, intergranular corrosion will happened in the pickling process, it will eventually lead to the generation of "gold dust" defects on the cold-rolled surface. 试验结果表明:430铁素体不锈钢在热轧时产生的敏化、在酸洗过程中造成的晶间腐蚀,最终会导致冷轧后表面金粉缺陷的产生。
In the process of steel strip production, oxide scale on the strip surface should be removed in turbulent acid pickling process so as to improve the quality of strip surface. 为提高带钢表面的质量,在轧制前必须将带钢表面的氧化皮通过紊流酸洗工艺加以去除。
This research can help the steel production enterprises know the correct combination and optimize pickling process to improve pickling efficiency. 本研究成果可以帮助钢铁生产企业掌握拉矫工艺参数的正确组合,优化酸洗工艺参数,提高酸洗效率。
Pickling process and roasting are the critical process which could made diatomite deep processing and other versatile application. 本论文系统研究了硅藻土的的纯化方法,其中酸洗处理和焙烧是使硅藻土能够得以深加工及多方面应用的关键工艺。
The pickling process has been optimized, from the temperature to the concentration of sulfuric acid. The sequence of the pickling technology has been explored. So it formed a perfect pickling process. 对酸洗工艺进行了优化,从硫酸浓度到温度以及工艺顺序都进行了摸索,形成了完善的酸洗工艺。
Through laboratory research, find out how to control nitrogen in the process of refining, the process of how to prevent hot crack-side, the pickling process of how to ensure the surface pickling quality. 通过实验室研究,摸索如何在冶炼过程中控氮、热轧过程如何防止边裂、酸洗过程中如何保证表面酸洗质量。